Modest CSS

A lightweight SASS starter framework.


The typography is all calculated with rems. Therefore, the font sizes are all responve and based on a percentage of the HTML font size which you can specify. By default HTML is set at 10 so rems make logical sense. For example 4rem is 40px.

By default the font-family is Google's Lato (link to lato). Feel free to change it in one place and it will affect your site globally. The anchor tags take on the primary color set in the vairables partial.

This is a H1

This is a H2

This is a H3

This is a H4

This is a H5
This is a H6

This is a paragraph. Feel free to add custom styles on to the p tag. Again, we are using 10px as the basis for our 1rem calculation.

This is a lead paragraph. These are best used as the first paragraph on a page. They are used to callout important information.

This is a blockquote, put your awesome quotes in here.

Typography Examples


Your basic HTML elements are minimally styled and allow a large degree of customization. Buttons & inputs inherit background color and border color from predefined variables. Simply change the variable values and see the change reflected site wide.

Standard Buttons

Anchor button

Branded Buttons

This is a successful alert.

This is a wanring alert.

This is an error alert.

Example Button & Message Code


Form example

Example Form Code

Lists & Table

The typography is all calculated with rems. Therefore, the font sizes are all responve and based on a percentage of the HTML font size which you can specify. By default HTML is set at 10 so rems make logical sense. For example 4rem is 40px.

User ID Name Email Twitter
001 John D @john
002 Steve J @steve

Unordered List

  • Appples
  • Oranges
  • Blueberries
    • Organic
  • Strawberries

Ordered List

  1. First Item
  2. Second Item
  3. Third Item
    1. Optional Item
  4. Fourth Item

Example Table and Lists